How does it work?

To start investing on the BeMyBond platform is easy. It works similarly to other crowdfunding platforms, but here you have the opportunity to invest in a more regulated debt instrument – bonds. We aim to select reliable companies (issuers) to whom you can lend your funds at fixed interest rates and receive a planned return.

1. Register on the BeMyBond platform

Iliustracija, patirtis
Create your personal account. The registration process involves a few simple steps:

  • Confirm your email address

  • Provide your contact information

  • Confirm your identity through the Ondato system (you will need your ID document)

  • Identify yourself as a sophisticated or non-sophisticated investor according to the criteria provided

  • If you identify yourself as a non-sophisticated investor, we will ask you to answer a few additional questions to help us get to know you better

  • Answer the questions required to open an e-wallet and securities account

The whole process may take from 5 to 10 minutes. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help!

2. Review and select a project

Iliustracija, patirtis
Only after registering on the platform will you be able to access all the detailed information about the investment projects that we offer. In order to properly familiarize yourself with the project and evaluate its suitability, you will be able to review the following information:

  • Detailed information about the issuer (the company that seeks to borrow funds)

  • Information about the goals of the investment project - what the funds will be used for

  • Document with the most important information about the investment - documentation that contains all information relevant to the investor, including issuer’s financial data and forecasts

  • BeMyBond platform’s assessment of risks of the project

Having all this data will help you make an informed decision.

3. Top up your electronic wallet

Iliustracija, patirtis
After reviewing and choosing a project, you can decide how much you want to invest. The minimum amount that can be invested on the BeMyBond platform depends on the specific project. This is the nominal value of one bond, which will usually be € 1 000. You will find this information within the selected project information.

It is important to keep in mind that you can only invest a multiple of the price of one bond, i.e. if the nominal price of one bond is € 1 000, you can invest, e.g. € 2 000 or € 10 000, but not € 500 or € 2 500.

Administrative fees, 0,5% of the invested amount, should also be added to the amount you want to invest. For example, if you invest € 1 000, the fees for the platform will be € 5. The fees cover the costs of platform administration, payments, and securities (bonds) accounts.

You can easily top up your e-wallet in your personal BeMyBond account. This feature is powered by our partner, payment service provider ConnectPay.

4. Invest and receive a return

Iliustracija, patirtis
Invest in a selected project with only a few clicks. You will receive interest payments regularly, quarterly, or semi-annually, depending on the selected project. You can monitor the investment, interest payments, return on the invested amount, and personal investment statistics in your personal account. You can reinvest the received funds on the BeMyBond platform or withdraw them to your bank account. We hope that you will enjoy the process, and will be pleased with the results!
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